Results of the Call BIN 01

Research Agency as a Program Operator of the Business Development, Innovation and SMEs Programme issued a Decisions on the award of grants for the project applications on 22 December 2021 within the Call for Proposals on the Support of Innovation and Business Development (BIN 01), financed from the Norway Grants and state budget of the Slovak republic. There were received 25 project applications in the total required amount of 20 364 783,85 €. 13 of them were granted in total amount of 9 463 703,99 €.

Decisions can be found here:

Call BIN 01

Research Agency as a Program Operator of the Business Development, Innovation and SMEs programme has launched the Call for Proposals on the Support of Innovation and Business Development (call code: BIN01)financed by the Norway Grants and state budget of the Slovak Republic. The call aims to support small, medium and large enterprises within two main programme areas: Green Industry Innovation and Welfare Technology and Ambient Assisted Living. Funding will be provided for the projects that contribute to the development and establishment of innovative technologies, processes and products, and bring significant benefits, such as employment growth, reduction of CO2 emissions and waste production, use of new materials, intelligent construction solutions etc. In the area of welfare technologies establishment of products and services that help elderly and people with disabilities, systems for vital functions monitoring and technologies for medical care suitable for households, intelligent textiles and houses, can be supported etc.

Within the Call it is possible to apply for a grant from 200,000 € up to 2 000,000 €. 

The amount of 11 578 235 € is allocated for this Call. 

Date of launching the Call: 17 june 2021. Deadline for the Call closure: 17 September 2021.

The Grant Application shall be submitted in English via electronic system egrant available on our webpage. 


Editorial correction No.1 

On June 29, 2021, the European Commission registered the State Aid Scheme for supporting business development and innovation as amended by Addendum No. 1 and registers it under the number SA.63743. Based on the regulation of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic, it is necessary to use the registration number assigned by the Commission. Given that the notification of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic was announced after the publication of the Call BIN 01, the Program Operator proceeds to the editorial correction No. 1 of this technical error of the Call BIN 01 and all its annexes and related documents, where the original texts State Aid Scheme SA.61867 changes to State Aid Scheme as amended by Addendum No. 1 SA.63743 and State Aid Scheme for supporting business development and innovation, as amended by Addendum No. 1 SA.61867 changes to State Aid Scheme for supporting business development and innovation as amended by Addendum No. 1 SA.63743.


Editorial correction No.2

In order to eliminate technical mistakes, the following documents were modified by editorial correction No. 2:


 Language  version 

 Technical mistake

 Original text


 Výzva BIN01



 Oprávnený partner4

 Oprávnený partner7

 Call BIN 01



 Eligible partner

 Eligible partner7

 Footnote No. 20

 Less developed regions in SR where GDP per   capita is less than 75% of the EU average (NUTS  2 regions)

 Less developed regions are those in which GDP per capita is   less   than 75% of the EU average (NUTS 2 regions), i.e. all   regions of   Slovakia, with the exception of the Bratislava region.

 Translation editing:   chapter 6.   Partnership

There can be no business relationship between the applicant and the partner within this call. 


There cannot be just a business relationship between 

theapplicant and the partner within this call.


 Príloha č.2   Výberové kritériá


 Translation editing:   criterion 4.1

 Projekt je prínosom z hľadiska budovania   a posilnenia podnikateľského prostredia   s dôrazom na prostredie začínajúcich podnikov   vo vybranej oblasti podpory

Projekt je prínosom z hľadiska budovania a posilnenia podnikateľského prostredia vo vybranej oblasti podpory












Modification of the Call BIN 01 conditions - correction No.3

The Program Operator changed the conditions of the Call BIN 01 by modifying the selection criteria (Annex No. 2_Selection Criteria BIN 01) in order to enable more effective selection process in assessing the eligibility of the applicant and its partners.

In connection with this correction, some technical changes were also made in other documents, which, however, do not have the character of a change in the conditions of the Call. The list of changes is given in the following table:


 Page of the change



Call BIN 01

chapter 10
State Aid
page 15/17

According to the information provided in the project application and its annexes, the Programme Operator shall assess whether the provision of support to the partner, resp. partners is the provision of state and/or de minimis aid or not and whether it meets the conditions set out in the above mentioned State Aid Scheme and/or de minimis Aid Scheme. 

According to the information provided in the project application and its annexes, the Programme Operator shall assess whether the provision of the aid constitutes state aid and/or de minimis aid and whether the aid meets the conditions set out in the above mentioned State Aid Scheme and/or de minimis Aid Scheme.

Annex 2

page 2/9


New criterion nr. 4.: The applicant has chosen 2 mandatory and at least 2 non-mandatory indicators from Article 2 of the Call.
Original criterion nr. 4 has changed to nr. 5.

page 3/9

Eligibility criteria nr. 1 - 14., footnotes nr. 6 - 10

Criteria nr. 1 and nr. 2 remain valid, other criteria nr. 3 - nr. 14 are removed.
Footnotes nr. 6 - 10 are removed.

page 4/9

Only applications meeting all Administrative Compliance and Eligibility Criteria will be assessed on Content-related criteria.

Project applications that do not meet the criterion of administrative compliance no.1, no.2 and no.5 will be rejected without the possibility of submitting missing documents, information or to eliminate deficiencies of the application. 

page 6/9

footnote nr. 11: The geographical location of the project is in less developed regions in the Slovak Republic, where GDP per capita is lower than 75% of the EU average (NUTS 2 region).

footnote nr. 11: The geographical location of the project is in less developed regions in the Slovak Republic, where GDP per capita is lower than 75% of the EU average (NUTS 2 region), i.e. all regions in Slovakia except the Bratislava region. 

Changes have been made also in the Guideline for Applicant (only Slovak version).


Editorial correction No.4

In order to eliminate technical mistakes, the Guideline for the Applicant issued only in Slovak version was modified by editorial correction No.4


Language version        

Technical mistake      

Oroginal text                                                          


Príručka pre žiadateľa (Verzia 1.0)   SK  Pg.9, Note/Poznámka V rámci administratívnej kontroly sa bude overovať aj zápis žiadateľa a jeho prípadných partnerov v Registri partnerov verejného sektora. Osobná pôsobnosť zákona sa vzťahuje aj na zahraničné právnické osoby pokiaľ spĺňajú definičné kritériá partnera 10 verejného sektora a prijímajú plnenia od štátu nad zákonom určený limit. Ak ide o právnickú osobu, ktorá na území Slovenskej republiky podniká prostredníctvom organizačnej zložky, do registra sa zapisuje zahraničná právnická osoba (organizačná zložka nemá právnu subjektivitu a nemôže byť partnerom verejného sektora).

Správca programu upozorňuje, že žiadateľ a partner musí byť zapísaný v Registri partnerov verejného sektora podľa zákona č. 315/2016 Z. z. o registri partnerov verejného sektora a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov pred podpísaním Projektovej zmluvy. Podmienka sa nevzťahuje na tie právnické osoby, ktoré by ani po nadobudnutí účinnosti Projektovej zmluvy neboli partnermi verejného sektora podľa § 2 zákona č. 315/2016 Z. z. o registri partnerov verejného sektora a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov.

Pg.126, Footnote in the text: Výdavky na nové alebo použité vybavenie














TEMPLATE - Project Contract and Annexes 

TEMPLATE - Partnership Agreement